Sunday, June 29, 2008

Google Reader

Google Reader is the best for me and what a time saver.  Below is a sample of the left side of the google reader page.  The item numbered in red is how I first began.  Now I just begin with #2 All items and scroll down.  When I want to make a comment I hit the box 'share with a note'.
I grant you it took a long time to enter all my bookmarks, however if I had known about google reader first it would have been a piece of cake.  On my blog site I chose to only show the first twenty-five updated sites, but by clicking all sites you can see them all.
Hope this works for you.

• Home
• All items (4)        2.  Then yesterday, I discovered highlighting (hitting, 
• Starred items    
  whatever) from here  and I could scroll down the 
• Trends                  ALL items as far back as I wanted to go.

• Your stuff
• Shared items
• Notes
• Friends' shared items
• Manage friends »
Discover »
Add subscription

Show: updated - all

• My Blog (1)                         1.    When I first check out the updated sites I came 
• My Creative Corner! (2)    
 here... one by one and this was better that going                                
• Techno Stamper (1)             to each site I had bookmarked which I never did.         
Manage subscriptions »

Friday, June 27, 2008

I saw this layout on http://asangel.over-blog.  (scroll down)and here had to copy it.  It was later that I leaned it was a digital layout.  I am still looking for the layout on her site and will post when I find it.  I found it and isn't that child adorable.

Brag Purse

This one has been around for awhile.  It aroused a lot of interest.  Everyone picked it up at at the craft show and no one bought it.  My hubby and I got to laughing about it.  We would have liked to read their minds.
Photos slip in the circle area.The end!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Shake Your Tail Feathers

Tomorrow is my day to post items for sale on Etsy and Ebay. Hope I remember how. Bet your can't tell I love this set by Melanie Muenchinger. Her pic on her blog is the same post as some of these animals... an over the shoulder pose.

More Reds... Jumping for Joy

How would you handle it?

We are vacationing along the Ca. coast and each day we make a big lol excursion into town. Yesterday was to Michael's to use my coupon. I got a Martha Stewart punch at 50% off. Hotdog. The following is a letter of what happened at the store.

Dear Nana,
As I was checking out of the Michael's store yesterday your grandaughter approached to cashier and stated she has lost her Nana. The cashier asked the child to remain at the register and an announcement was made over the speaker.
No one came forward.
My heart was in my stomach as I finished my transaction. I could leave the store, the 2 ladies in line behind me were also concerned.
I walked around to your granddaughter asked if her family spoke English. "Nana does.
Grandpa is at Barnes and Noble."
I went up and down aisle looking for ;Nana to no avail. At one point your granddaughter disappeared. I was more worried than I care to say. I turned and she was looking out the store window to the parking lot.
Putting her near the cashier I again looked for Nana. When I return the cashier said your grandchild went that way.
I can only hope she found you as I certainly did not want to hear about her on the news as missing. And I compliment your grandchild for coming to the cashier and stating she had lost you and I wish I had taken her by the hand and looked for you until we found you.
You can turn around in an instant and they are gone. It happened to us at the Zoo once. We had our eye on our grandchild and moved to next viewing turned around and she was gone. It scared the ----- out of us. She was with us and couldn't see us and ran back to where we had been. But, oh those seconds, and minutes where terrifying.
I hope your grandchild found you.

Monday, June 23, 2008

What turns you off a blog?

Check this forum out.  There is good info here if you are just beginning to set up a site. and even experienced blogger also.

egads I just disturbed my husband's sleep again when I researched blogging sites and music begins playing before I have a chance to find it and turn it off.  Silly me never thought to turn off sound on computer

P.S.  Ctmh consultants if your site is not listed email me at

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh My Gosh.....

The things I have learned...
1. Google reader
2. blogging
3. analytics
4. Adsense
5. linking back
6. subscribe via email
7. traffic feed
8. splitcoaststampers... i 'll fix this one later
9. How to change fonts and colors

And places to go...
How to make Blogspot look better

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Go to this site!!!!!

Beth Ranney-Thomas has just begun he blog and her work is incredible.  It is out of the box and over the top.  ( She does with paper what my friend, Jane does with quilts.)  I have seen more of her work on another site and hope she posts ALL of her work.

BTW Jane,  You should have a blog site with YOUR QUILTS.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lusting after the chef!!!

Since first seeing this Voila stamp I have wanted it. Kept trying to justify buying it
and using it for a clients thank you notes. Now that I have it it is just for my shirr pleasure. It is like working with paper dolls for those of you old enough to remember. Back in the days when jacks was a past time before tv.
My next favorite set is jumping for joy. I'll have to post some of those cards. These cards show the expression and excitement of life.
Oh oh have to call the scrap booking store more later.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New clue....He is a farmer when he is not playing music.

Hey Ms. Sh........... You missed the mini Album and article about you. Scroll down to Anna Griffin Mini Album.

Okay, okay I'll give you a hint.

If you google his name and click images his pic will be first.

Monday, June 09, 2008

A Card made with good paper

Okay, I think I need to link to my cousins site so you can guess who he is.

Pet Greeting Cards

This is a cards made from scraps.

Accordian Book from Saturdays Class

This will probably be one of the prizes for either guessing who my cousin is or 25 people signing my guest book.

Just 4Fun Crafts

There is one more page but you get the idea. I bought this from Just 4Fun Crafts in March and today was my day to put some kits together so I can have more drawer space for other crafts.

Hand made Cards with scraps.

Anna Griffin Layout Kit May 2008

I love Anna Griffin stuff and the elegance of it. Hope this shows up but colors seem light. This kit has a lot of cutting. I made some cards with the left over paper. They re coming up next. Hey, can you guess who my cousin is in the band? Scroll down.

Kick Up Your Heels

I love this little guy.  He is from Jumping for Joy.  Don't forget to guess which person in the band is my cousin.

My cousin the star. Guess which one is him/

Okay, Okay, it is Steve.  Shelley and Jane won.  I'll bring your gift to Lead's Meeting 7/2/08


Friday, July 4th Hills Bros at the Lumber Yard in Standard 9 to 12:30
Wednesday July 9th Hills Bros Concert in the park in Tuolumne 6 to 8pm
Sat July 12, Hills Bros at Pime Mountain Lake 8-midnight
Thursday July 17th Hills Bros Camp Lahonda in Groveland
Friday July 18th FLASHBACKS play at Twain Harte Lake 8 to 11pm
Sat July 19 Hills Bros play for Run-to -the -pines moror cycle rally benefiting MDS Dardanelles This should be neat in the mountains) 11 am to ??


Sunday, June 08, 2008

I guess I lied. Just read what I posted...

Friday and there should be pics here. lol Guess I took the weekend off.
I went to Sunday Service today and then put in 19.00 dollars worth of gas. I love Sunday Service cause usually three different people speak and there is discussion following. Today service began indoors talking about JOY. Second speaker took us outdoors where we formed a circle on the newly finished patio and each one of us picked up a shell and talked about our JOY. We took our shell back indoors and add it to the center piece giving a one word for JOY.
Funny we get all excited about sadness and disasters and often forget all the little things that bring joy to us. Like waking up from meditation to find out pizza has been delivered. Thanks hubby. Or being invited to take a walk.
What is your JOY?
Oh back to the pics, manana!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sign my guest book so others will think I have friends...

I will have a drawing of the first twenty-five people who sign my guest book. I just took a class today so what we made might be the prize. We are off to a ball game pictures will have to wait. Scroll down to bottom of site for the guest book. It has my picture in it. You may put a pic or not.

Friday, June 06, 2008

I played all day with cards, layouts, and blogging.

I have a craft class tomorrow and couldn't find the stuff I bought a month or more ago to use. After checking all the nooks and crannies I found it in a drawer. Also found last month Anna Griffin Kit so I put it together. It is one of those that you cut and cut and cut out the flowers and then layer then on top of same. I also got together eight packets of cards to mail as a Pay It Forward or Random Act of Kindness.
We were suppose to go to a PT Cruise event in Modesto, California. We cancelled out as we have a trip to Ventura later this month. Probably a good thing Craig paid 700.00 on his car. Me thinks we need to unpack the bicycles that have been in the garage for months. Boy I bet the Amish people are laughing at us crabbing about the price of gas. We could go back to horse and buggy days. New jobs would be plentiful as pooper scoopers on the freeways.
The mail came with two new cuttlebug folders, sooo of course I had to play. Guess tomorrow will be pics and posting.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hey, this blogging thing is great.

This site in one month has had over 500 hits. My hubby said 499 of them are mine. NOT, well maybe 498. The previous month was a big zero. I have another site that increased from 0 - 425. This is sooooo much fun. I also signed up for google analytics. I am still learning to understand computer lingo. I probably need to talk to a nine year old.
When I began this quest in January I knew zilch about blogs, blogging, blog candy, etc. There is a whole other world out there.
In blogging, I have come across some incredible blogs, tutorials, and stories. I've checked linked back to check out other sites and how to add a counter, map, adsense, favorite links, traffic feed, guest books, how to subscribe via email, and finally dreams search engine. I still don't understand search engine but I have one. lol
This research is cutting into my crafting time and creating aching wrists however my dog loves this time. Well almost.(She would rather I rub her tummy.) She gets to sit in my lap while I computer which is probably why my wrists are knarled and throbbing on occasion.
In my crafting life, blogging has improved my skills in matting photos, making layered cards, textured cards, die cuts, creating new 3d projects. I have learned soo much from the other sites and will continue to frequent them. It has also cause me to purchase cuttlebug folders, stampin up punches, stamp sets, pretties, spellbinder die cuts, and all of this online.
If you haven't joined the blogging scene consider it. Don't knock it till you try it.

Computer Class and adsense!!!!

We have worked on adding ads for weeks and today would you believe one click and we were done. Hotdog!!! Now to investigate keywords.

Anna Griffin Mini Album Kit June 2008

I had to modify this from the kit directions. I tried the directions and they didn't want to work for me. Usually when I am working on a project I am thinking about who will receive it. On this album a Lead's member came to mind. She just received a proposal on Saturday and of course said yes. She has been soooooo excited and open about this love. It was worth the wait for her. Sooooooo Ms. S if you want this it is yours or I'll make a similar one of your choice.